Post Dental Surgery Instructions
Please read and follow instructions as written to add to your comfort and hasten your recovery.
Control of bleeding:
When you leave the office, continue to bite on the moist gauze pressure pads for 30 mins. A small amount of oozing blood is normal over the next 24-48 hours. Do not disturb the clot by unnecessary repeated changing of gauze. In the event of extensive bleeding, replace moistened gauze and apply gentle pressure over the surgery site.
Things not to do for the first 24 hours:
— No smoking,alcohol, and / or recreation drug use
— No use of straws or carbonated beverages
— No hot liquids (Lukewarm coffee, tea or soup are fine)
— No vigorous rinsing with mouthwash or water (mild swishing is okay if necessary)
— No spitting, wipe saliva from your lips with tissue
Maintain an adequate diet by eating soſt foods and cool/room temperature liquids. Eat soſt foods to prevent muscular stiffness and you will feel better if you are well nourished. A diet of soſt foods such as pasta, mashed potatoes, scrambled eggs and soups is recommended. Avoid crunchy and or hard foods.
Posture and Position:
From the time you arrive home following surgery until bedtime, remain in a semi-sitting reclined well propped up position. Place a towel over your pillow or chair to prevent blood from getting on your furniture or clothing when you sleep.
Physical Activity:
Avoid physical exertion or exercise for 48 hours post- surgery. Exertion will increase blood flow and cause pain / bleeding in the area of the surgery. The rule of thumb is avoid any activity that will raise your heart rate above normal.
Swelling of the face following oral surgery is to be expected and is normal. You may control the swelling by proper use of ice bags for up to 6 hours post-surgery on the day of surgery. Apply ice bag to the
face for 15 minutes and remove for 15 minutes. Do not at any time use a heating pad or hot pack.
Oral Hygiene:
Do not brush teeth adjacent to the surgical site / sutures and / or rinse your mouth vigorously for 24 hours following surgery. Aſter 24 hours you may keep your mouth clean starting the day aſter surgery by using a soſt tooth brush and / or rinse with warm salt water four times a day (1/2 tsp of salt, 8 ounces of warm water).
Nausea: Nausea is not un-common aſter surgery and can be prevented and or reduced by eating small amounts of soſt food with medication and drinking water. Drinking clear fluids is helpful.
The prescriptions given to you are for a specific purpose. Take them according to instructions. Take all antibiotics (if prescribed) until they are gone. Please do not drive or operate any machinery while taking pain medications containing narcotics
Stitches (Sutures):
If sutures were placed for control of bleeding and to hasten the healing. Sutures may dissolve within 4-6 days. If non-dissolving sutures are placed, you will be given an appointment for suture removal in two weeks. Please do not play with the sutures or exposed dental implants with your tongue as this may risk the sutures from becoming loose and unravel.
In case of an emergency, please call the office at (604) 432-7771